what we do

Quality, English-medium, values-based education primarily focusing on children from poor and marginalised communities, including those sometimes known as Dalits and Adivasis.

Community healthworkers, primary clinics and HIV/AIDS centres to help prevent sickness and disease – a cause and consequence of poverty and inequality.

Economic empowerment
Business start-up grants, self-help groups and vocational training to enable the poor to earn a livelihood, become self-sufficient and hold their heads up high.

community development
Empowerment and development programmes helping prevent the exploitation of women and girls.

why we do what we do
Over the last 20 years our movement has responded to requests from major community leaders to provide holistic English-medium education so their communities can find true dignity and freedom in the modern world.
We were asked to serve the poor, marginalised and outcastes of South Asia. We focus on restoring the dignity and freedom of women and children who are the most vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. This is why we do what we do

who we are
DFN UK, a development and empowerment charity, is part of a global network supporting indigenous partners* responding to the requests of community leaders to educate their children and protect their women.
*OMIF (Operation Mercy India Foundation), a humanitarian initiative of the Good Shepherd Church in India.

Laxmi's Story
Laxmi* dreamed of becoming a doctor and serving the needy - people like her mother, often unwell but unable to afford treatment.
She attended one of our Good Shepherd Schools in South India where she not only received quality education but also care and support throughout many challenges during her childhood.
Laxmi worked hard and achieved the third highest exam results in her state. After studying medicine at university, Laxmi realised her dreams and qualified as a medical doctor. Now she is working in our healthcare programme serving the poor and marginalised.
*this is a true story but we have changed the name to protect the individual
youcan make it happen
We want to empower the most vulnerable to find freedom from exploitation and restore their dignity.
You can help by making a donation or by sponsoring a child's education.