whywe do what we do
Gangamma's* house collapsed under the heavy rainfall. It was uninhabitable. Gangamma despaired.
Gangamma had no idea that she was entitled to support from the state government because she came from a poor and marginalised community. Our team advocated on her behalf, and working in partnership with the government we rebuilt her house.
With our help, Gangamma now lives happily in a brand-new, watertight dwelling!
This is why we do what we do.
*this is a true story but with changed name and representative image to protect the individual.

a place of safety
Our Pratigya Women and Children’s Refuge Shelter is a haven for women and girls from poor and marginalised communities who need specialised care in a safe environment.
whatwe do
In response to requests for help and support from women who are at high risk of being exploited and abused, our main focus is a holistic rural development and empowerment programme in central India designed by our Indian colleagues in consultation with women who have or are experiencing exploitation.
tackling vulnerability
Awareness, education, empowerment and confidence-building among poor and marginalised women in 300 villages, along with access to legal support and government benefits.
rehabilitation and care
We provide a community-based programme to rehabilitate girls and young women who are survivors of exploitation and abuse, providing care, training, education and employment opportunities.
youcan make it happen
We want to be able to respond to more and more requests for help from local communities. Your support will enable many more women and their families to find dignity and freedom, and lift themselves out of extreme poverty.

Our holistic programme also includes...
restoring dignity
Giving opportunities, livelihoods and dignity to women through business set-up grants and vocational training.
community presence
Our Community Health Workers work tirelessly to help and support women and their local community.