economic empowerment

lamp business grants

Providing small business start-up grants for the poor and marginalised to help them earn a livelihood and give them dignity.


Despite their best efforts, South Asia’s poor and marginalised often find themselves out of work, fighting daily for casual opportunities, or confined to their traditional role in the most degrading and dehumanising work.

This is why we do what we do!


We provide opportunities for people to realise their potential, develop hidden talents and skills, and see their dignity restored.


We provide small business start-up grants (LAMP grants) to women and men for the purpose of setting up a cottage business. These small businesses earn not only a livelihood, but a little to save and a little to recycle so others can benefit from similar grants.


The skills and abilities of the individual are key elements in determining the type of business, which is decided in consultation between recipients and local LAMP staff.


The other key factor is determining whether there is a local market for the goods or services being provided and whether local conditions are conducive.


We want to help women and men earn a livelihood so that they can become self-sufficient and live with dignity.

With your help, we can.

can make it happen

We want to provide more of such opportunities, as well as explore and expand other income generating models.   

You can help by donating to our Economic Empowerment fund to help restore dignity and freedom to the poor and the marginalised.